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Výměnné objektivy: About a Canon FL 35mm f2.5 review

Neregistrovaný (0)|8.2.2016 20:32
Tazatel: Protenix

Znění dotazu: Hi. I just bought a vintage Canon 35mm FL 2.5 like this one: (, I'm waiting for it to be shipped to me. I just wanted to ask to the reviewer Milan Šurkala or to anyone that can help me, how is it possible the focus at infinity. With any adapter I found, you should lose the chance to focus to the infinity, but in the video, and in the review, there isn't any note about this. There is a reason for this that I can't see? Sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian.

Ahoj. Právě jsem si koupil ročník Canon 35mm 2.5 FL jako je tento: (, čekám na to, aby byl dodán ke mě. Jen jsem se chtěl zeptat na kontrolor Milan Surkala nebo někdo, že mi může pomoci, jak je možné zaměřit na nekonečno. S jakýmkoliv adaptérem jsem zjistil, měli byste přijít o šanci zaměřit se na nekonečna, ale ve videu, a při revizi, neexistuje žádná poznámka o tom. Tam je důvod pro to, že nemohu vidět? Omlouvám se za mou špatnou angličtinu, jsem Ital.

Fotovýbava, které se dotaz týká: Canon FL 35mm f2.5 on
- Canon EF DSLR or
- any other DSLR

with an FD to EF or an FD to any-other-mount adapter.
Petr Be. (211)|8.2.2016 21:31
It´s propably not possible. Every lens has it´s flange focal distance. This means that space between the lens and the image sensor has been set for every system, and it needs to be matched. Flange distance of Canon FD/FL lenses is 42mm. Flange distance for Canon EF, EF-S camera bodies and EF lenses is 44mm. That way you would need 2mm thick adapter, which is generally not possible to make and mount. If you get thicker one, you loose that ability to focus at infinity.
For good use of FD/FL lenses, you need mirrorless camera with thinner flange distance (around 18mm), so you can mount beefy (doable) adapter between the lens and camera body to get 44mm flange distance lens to work. (Significantly lower flange distance on the camera body is required). Hope it helped.
I feel pitty for you that you can´t use what you would like to, but it works like that.

Also see Wiki:
Sakini (1174)|9.2.2016 07:51
Of course you can use an adapter with optical elements, which enables the infinity focus - Canon made one, and other brands - but it also severely degrades image quality, changes properties of the lens, and doesn´t work properly with all FD lenses (the longer ones are better). In the video you mentioned this was possible due to the use on a mirrorless body, where this problem doesn´t exist. There are some handy men, who are able to convert FD lenses to the EF mount with machined parts, but that´s a very individual thing.
It´s something like this [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste] or cheaper [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste] but I think you would be much better served with a second-hand EF lens, or even the cheap Yongnuo 35/2 copy [odkaz, pro zobrazení se přihlaste] which is as good as the original Canon lens.